
Financial decisions notes

I think that important issues for me are managerial decisions. In particular, in our country we have a railroad chain that is publicly owned. The issue with it is that it is huge and not effective, also money wise. In this case I see important to make it profitable, and it is the only way to regain the strength and improve the national economy. As I see, the point here is in improving the business processes, that are now obsolete and do not bring the profit to the company, thus creating additional problems for all stakeholders. To take a deeper look into the problem we need to share the company in several sections, basically into two parts, one of each is profitable and another is not.
SU-JOK THERAPY WORKSHOP (2 days) Seed Therapy and Main Su-Jok Correspondence Systems Day 1  (3.5 hours with the brake)                      Introduction into Su-Jok Therapy         ·          The benefits of the Su-Jok         ·          Su-Jok approach to health care         ·          Clinical approbations and research                                                Su-Jok Basic Correspondence System         ·          Explanations         ·          Examples and practice 3                                             Seed Therapy: General Explanations         ·          Seed Energy         ·          Classification of seeds for Su-Jok         ·          Applications     Practice and Explanations of the Homework Day 2  (3.5 hours with the brake)                            Homework: Questions and Explanations                           Su-Jok Insect Correspondence System           ·       Explanations           ·       Examples and practice